'Daily Capture' workshop with Clare Thornton at Coleg Sir Gar introduced the notion of 'turning up the dial on the everyday' through a daily ritual of collecting information.This information could come in any form; a photograph, a written diary, a drawing or a collected object. We were sent off to find 'a static surface' and 'a moment in time'. We were given a pile of everyday materials, cling film, hazard tape, ribbon. I took the foil. Walking around the art college, going from the toilets to the coffee shop all felt pretty nostalgic for me so I decided to use the foil to take an impression of the walls. I started to enjoy the pressure of my body against the wall, feeling into the wall like an old friend, like contact improvisation. I would like to try this on a much bigger scale, and get other artists or an audience to try it too.
When we brought our materials back 20 minutes later we had to consider how we might turn what we had into an installation 'as if you were having an open studios tonight'.We scaled up photographs and enlarged drawings in ribbon across the space. It was great to collaborate and to make an installation in just 20 minutes.